Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gag order in effect

Let me start out by saying I am the one enforcing this gag order.
And really, I'm doing it because I fucking hate being whiny depression girl. It's not hot to write about, it's not a sexy place to be.  Although, I will say I did have a fast and dirty play a little while ago, but that was only after I was sure I wasn't going to have a stroke from my sometimes insanely stressful job.  And it was, unfortunately, just a nibble of an orgasm. I wanted to fuck myself until I was sore and sated. Instead I did a half-assed job at best, really barely eking one out. 

And so, the gag order is in effect. I am hereby telling myself shut the fuck up.  I will post again when it's lifted. I'm hoping I can come up with something hot and original for Sinful Sunday.  We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. I am commenting here to tell you that 1, I am now caught up. I won't fall behind again. And 2, I don't know that a gag order is the best idea. Sometimes you need to be whiny and just let it out. Or gushy and sappy. As long as you're genuine, which you always are.

    I love you, kitten. *hugs*
