Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I am cleaning out my previous blog and recycling some posts.  Mostly because I'm lazy and want more posts on this blog.  But also because when I write something, I sometimes become attached to it and want more people to read it.  So I'm going to post a couple little fiction items I wrote and one past journal entry.

I feel naked posting without first sending it to Mr. G to read.  He is on holiday for the next two weeks and he has given me a blanket okay to post these old posts as well as anything I see fit to post.  But at the same time, I feel weird not having him okay it first.  Funny how rules and the way things are done become habit very quickly in my world.

If I knew even the tiniest bit about web design I would be so much happier with my blog.  There are little tweaks that truly make me crazy that I can't figure out how to tweak.  And all my IT people (minus T who looked at it while half asleep last night and said "good luck with that") are vanilla!  Boo!

So anyway, wish me luck.  I only have 13 more days to go without hearing His voice.  I realize just HOW spoiled I am.  I'm so lucky that we can speak on the phone or via skype so often.  It's like some nights, I get to spend all night with him.  And He's a responsible Master.  He's emailing me and making sure I'm staying busy because idle hands.....(creep into my panties and waste an afternoon)

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