I am home from my second trip to see my Master. Yet again, another whirlwind and dream-like experience. And this time, I even navigated from the airport, onto a train, and into a cab to get to my hotel (and the reverse to get back to the airport.) Having had a car at my disposal since I was 16, public transportation has never been something I've had to learn. And doing all this in a foreign country (yes, they speak English, but still!) was very daunting and definitely gave me some worry. And I am happy to report that all of that was completely hassle-free. Although, I will say the fucking cab driver that took me from the train station to the hotel charged me more than the kind cab driver who took me back to the station four days later. I'm sure, with my American accent and deer in the headlights look after being up for over 24 hours, I was an easy mark.
And this trip, at Mr. G's suggestion, I made a few notes for myself so that when I sat down to blog after the trip, I'd have a few things to trigger my memory. And what amazing memories I have. I know that it's not real life. He and I even discussed it. When we're together, there's no work, no kids, no bills or household chores. It's just us. And it's so amazing. I feel so incredibly lucky to have the home life I have and also get to go live out this dream/fantasy with Mr. G. If it wasn't totally creepy, I'd send his wife a thank you card. My T knows how thankful I am and this trip worked out well for him, as well. He was able to have his Mistress come and spend some time here with him. So it was a win/win for both of us. And yet again, alleviated any guilt I might have about leaving him to fend for himself, while I go and have a stupid amount of fun. Instead, we both got to have our cakes and eat them too, so to speak.
But my poor Master. He has been recovering from one of those awful lingering illnesses that just saps your energy, clogs up your nose and makes you feel mostly bleh. He was probably only at best at 80% my entire trip (and one night, probably closer to 65%). But he's such a trooper. He still made so much time for me, bruised me, fucked me, used me so perfectly. But how frustrating is that? We get to spend four days together for the first time in four months and he's sickie?! Ah, such is life. We still, you can be certain, made the most of it. And even when I could see from his eyes that he wasn't quite feeling up to snuff, he never once complained or went home early to sleep or made me feel like I was probably not helping his healing process by sapping all his energy or cutting into his precious sleep time.
And talk about sleep time! When he wasn't with me, I took the opportunity to sleep and sleep and sleep. I'd wake up, go pee, get a drink and just lay back down for another hour (or three) of lazy, decadent sleep. And one morning, realizing that at some point, I was going to have to be up early enough for housekeeping to come tidy up, I got up, went and got a bite to eat, walked around town for a while, came back to the room, took my clothes off and went back to sleep! I think with all the extra sleep I had last week, I might have taken like five years of wrinkles off my face. (maybe it's just me, but the less sleep I get, the more I look in the mirror and visibly see myself aging)
And I have to say, I'm not just saying this to keep any of my readers hanging in suspense (maybe a little) but I have a couple of stories to tell that are seriously intense!!! I can think of three things (two unbelievably amazing and one...ugh...gross!) that happened that have never happened before!! And one of these amazing story-worthy happenings actually occurred TWICE. So with that, I will just say, check back in the days to come. I promise to write in fantastically filthy detail those three experiences as well as other fun, silly and sexy tidbits from my visit.
Look forward to reading all about it.
what a great example of people being open allowing thigns to be to everyones' advantage. i'm glad you had such a great visit.