Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sinful Sunday

my husband knows how to cheer me up when I'm down....

Posted in participation with Sinful Sunday, hosted by Molly's Daily Kiss.
Click below to see who else is partaking this week.
Sinful Sunday


  1. Oh, I love this!!! excellent ropework :)

    ~Kazi xxx

  2. Wow! We love the ropework, and the shot as a whole is an erotic delight!

  3. Brilliant, loving the colors too x

  4. That would cheer me the hell up, so I can certainly see why it's working for you :)

    xx Dee

  5. That would make me very happy too! Love the ropework!

    Xoxo Jana

  6. Oooh this is definitely the best way to be cheered up!

    Rebel xox

  7. I must admit, when I first read the title, I thought it said "Happiness in a Hogie", and I was expecting a huge sandwich that would make my insides grumble. I can't say that I am disappointed that I was wrong!! (My insides are still grumbling at your pic, btw.)

  8. I love this, so many women would want chocolates or flowers etc and then there are women like you and me who want to be tied up and used.


  9. Smiles knowingly - my bf cheered me up this week too when I was done - involved strong spanking and fucking!! It is so good when they read you right isn't it!! Lovely picture you got there too!!

    ~Mia~ xx

  10. Love the combination of the rope against that delicate ribbon. A truly erotic shot. Beautiful. x

  11. Omg, kitten, I love this photo!!! And I can just see your giggly, smiley face immediately afterward. T did an awesome job! I think next time I am visiting, we should definitely have some rope practice! <3

  12. LOVE the toes tied in. :-) I'm including this in a round-up I'm doing Sunday.
